When I first read the headline, I thought it was a deliberately misleading one. Like the ones goss mags use: Aamir kicks SRK etc. And then you read the article to discover that in reality, Aamir had kicked a dog named SRK or whatever…..boring.
So, that’s why I thought it was one of those headlines. Because, like you, I too thought corn was more than healthy – super healthy, in fact. A lot depends on how you use it I guess. Click here to see what I mean.
This is yet another example of the US sowing the seed and the whole world happily reaping the fruit or in this case, kernel. Like they didn’t have a mind of their own!
And of course, not to mention the gazillion dollars that will be spent in‘re-educating’ people around the world about healthy food, exercise et al. Except maybe in Africa.
Sometimes I think the US is the worst joke that someone played on the modern world. And on those poor Americans. God save America.