27 May 2009

Star Trekking...

Last night, S and I boldly went to the cinemas for a bit of Trekkie nostalgia - Star Trek the movie -and I came away completely happy.

The special effects were top notch and Chris Pine as Jim Kirk wasn’t as irritating as I thought he’d be, although he was rather brash in some scenes. Zachary Quinto as Spock was cute, except that he looked too full-featured to be Spock. Seeing Leonard Nimoy on screen was a bonus. Chris Pine even looks a bit like Bill Shatner.
S had a bit of a grumble about how the whole thing was like watching an extended version of a Star Trek episode, but I thought that was part of the charm. Watching a student Suly, Ahura, Chekov etc was good fun.

I hope this franchise lives long and prospers. I hear they are talking about a sequel…