Near miss
There must still be many things I and a busload of people were meant to do in this world. That's why I am still here in this world, along with all of them...
For our big day out last week, our all-work X-mas lunch, we travelled on this our destination – a bowling club.
After the fun and all that, when we were returning, the bus we were seated in, being a double-decker and far too tall for this sort of fun and games, ploughed through the power/phone cables. And caused a wooden pole to snap off and do this.....
...and this...
No one was hurt except the car and the pole that snapped right off to fall on the car.
And we learnt later that the only reason that all the people in the car and the bus walked away unscathed was that it was the phone cable that had snapped off and fallen on both the vehicles (assumption). Had it been the power cable, we were told, we would have been totally fried....or something similar.
As I said before, there are many things I still haven't finished doing in this world. There is a purpose and reason I still haven’t fulfilled - that is why I still haven't shed this mortal coil.
Too often, we long for adventure in our mundane humdrum lives. Probably have to exclude adventures of this sort. Getting far too old for all this.
In the meanwhile, here's wishing you all a very happy new year. I've got to run - Boxing Day sales on everywhere and I still have to pick up many things - don't quite know where I'll fit them all in the house....
And sparing a thought for all the Boxing Day tsunami victims on this second anniversary....
Cheers, everybody...