18 March 2009

Cheesed out and grossed out!

Yes, yes, yes, I am rabidly vegetarian and normally enthusiastic about promoting vegetarianism without actually shoving it down people's throats, but this is taking things far too far, methinks… This is completely disgusting.

And technically, isn’t human sweat a non-vegetarian ingredient? And again, Clooney being a meat-eater, can his sweat be classified as vegetarian sweat? Go figure.

In any case, I am devoutly thankful he said ‘no’. Talk about bizarre thinking outside the square marketing!


Shammi said...

Oh man... gross! Why not from his pee? why sweat? And aw jeez, who would be sick enough to want to try tofu made from human sweat? EVEN George Clooney's sweat????

Pollux aka Paps said...

Shyam: To be honest, it is rather perv thinking!! Yech@@@

hari said...

I have heard about perverted minds, but this is the first time I am hearing about a perverted organisation. A hardcore George clooney fan must be heading PETA I suppose.

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