12 February 2010

Past: Working week, migraine!

Present: Friday evening, migraine!

Future: long nap, and then maybe no migraine?

Suddenly I have a strange longing to be a “housewife” – the word I despised when I was 20….only, I wouldn’t call it that now. I’d call it having ME time on a regular basis.

PS: Just found out after a visit to the doctor's this week that it isn't even a migraine - it's completely stress-related! Grrrrrrrrrrr


Shammi said...

Migraine? You're getting them too? That's not good! You didnt use to gettem, did you? That was my speciality! And even w/o kids to look after and the accompanying hassle & busytime, I wish I didnt have to work either... I'd like more time to do what I like! I suspect YOU just want to sleep :)

Anonymous said...

oh, don't get me started on sleep deprivation. i'll start weeping. i love my sleep. i need at least 10 hrs to feel good. and i dont get it! and for migraine, try yoga or just breathing exercises. take care kiwi!