5 October 2006


How could it all have gone wrong?


From the beginning, as soon as he could eat solid food, the emphasis had been on good quality vegetarian food that included a lot of fruits and vegetables (they believed in the dictum of 7 serves a day). Unlike some other families that force the issue, there was no question of getting him to eat meat in this household. They were really big on 'healthy eating'

They failed to notice the other telling signs. The fact that ever since he could walk, he hated exercising and would rebel every time he was taken out of the house. He would dig his heels in and refuse to move. And would have to be literally dragged along.

But as he was moving around fine inside the house they soon found it easier to ignore this. And as he was otherwise normally very friendly and always full of beans they figured his diet was healthy enough. To be sure, sometimes they had concerns. Was he getting enough to eat? Didn't he look a bit thin and small for his age? But everytime they overcame this by giving him more 'healthy food'. And his frame filled out satisfyingly. After all, at that age, they looked a lot better with some baby fat on them.

Till they finally took him to the doctor for his annual check-up. At first, the doctor was satisfying appreciative of their efforts. "He looks fine, look at him go," etc. Till she put him on the weighing machine.

She came back with a sombre look on her face. "Well, he weighs .... (she mentioned a figure that seemed quite reasonable to the family). But I hate to break it to you, but I have to let you know that he is overweight. In fact, he's just short of being obese. I am going to have to put him on a permanent diet. Life-long, else the prospects are not that good. Nothing sweet at all. He cannot afford to gain much more weight than this."

They stared at each other, aghast. Obese - at one-and-a-half years of age on a totally vegetarian diet? And now to be on a lifelong diet of nothing sweet? They couldn't believe it. All their good intentions, healthy food, etc had been useless. And what had they given that was sweet?

Seeing their stricken looks, the doctor hastened to add: "Not to worry, this is a very common problem in NZ. I am sure he will come right with a balanced diet. You can feed him parts of his current diet as a treat, once in a while, you know," she said, trying to soften the blow. "It's good to be aware that even natural foods contain quite a lot of sucrose."

But a life-long diet? They were shaken to the core. Still, they pulled themselves together to thank the doctor and left silently, cuddling him as they went.

The doctor shook her head as they left. She saw so many like them daily. They meant well, but in the end, they were the ones that did so much damage to the ones they loved the most. Sighing, she pulled the next case sheet towards her.....

Aauthor's note: This is a true story.


Anonymous said...

Not surprised it's a true story.. very common esp in developed countries these days.. chubby kids with no exercise.. TV and computer the main culprits. And yet parents don't realize.. crazy we have the opposite problems these days.. 1 generation older Indians who lived in India mainly worried about their kids being thin because "they played in the hot sun the whole day during summer hols" or something like that, and now it seems an ordeal to get kids outdoors!

Castor aka Kiwilax said...

Hey Vidhu,
I am not quite sure about the TV, I must say.
You are so right about our parents worrying that we were too thin. In the Western world, it's the other way around.

hari said...

So sad L. Time and again it gets proved that even amrit beyond a dosage becomes poison.

I am really sad for the kid who needs to be on diet even before he knows what he is eating. Its a lesson for over enthusiastic parents.

Castor aka Kiwilax said...

Hari and Vid: I kind of owe you an apology. In the sense that maybe I have delibrately mislead you.
the 'baby' in this story is our little rabbit Fudge. And we are the overenthusiastic parents who fed him too many sweet things like carrots, apples and rabbit pellets. Currently, he is on a 'green' diet.

LAK said...

Well, I was not too way off--I thought it was a puppy!

Castor aka Kiwilax said...

Lak: That's the writer's brain working within you;)