26 January 2005

Bad hair day!

Here I am, sitting with lacklustre eyes, staring at the PC monitor. I guess I need a break from my night shifts (which I do only about twice/thrice a week anyways), or I need more sleep. A break? I am getting too ambitious, or too old.

For all my bravado about the earthquake, haven't been able to catch a good night's sleep so far. And I went for a looooong walk, with Nandita in the pram this morning, so that unusual activity's made me feel really tired, I guess. I should do it more often to get used to it.

I am really looking forward to my day off tomorrow, but Nandana has already got big plans for me, some of which include buying some of her school books and also picking up a secret gift for Daddy, whose b'day is on Monday. My presence is a must, as I am the chaffeur. But come what may, I am determined to have my afternoon nap (famous last words). And I solemnly swear that I won't go shopping.

Today wasn't great though, even otherwise. Owen, the public health nurse was kind enough to drop off the medicines at home for Nandita fairly early in the morning. Dilemma _ should she have 'em or not? After all, they are strong anti-biotics to have for two months nearly....esply when her test came out negative. However, what if the second Mantoux test shows up as positive in March? I'll have to give her the drugs anyways.....choices, choices!

Sluggies during even daytime after the Tony, the pest control guy patched up the holes in the kitchen. Looks like they will have to take the kitchen apart and spray! Help, already half my kitchen is in my dining room. Good thing Periamma and Periappa have postponed their trip. Gives us time to fix the house, re the slugs, at least.

I am also feeling a little depressed that not many NRIs seem to have been perturbed enough by the JJ article to write to the editor. Sad but true. I would if I could, but I can't, so I won't.

My dosas for lunch were semi-blackened funny shaped pieces of dough. I think I will stick to idlis from now on.

I am also sad that Parveen Babi is dead. I used to think she was the height of cool when she was acting! And she was such a good looker! Fame isn't as glamourous as we think it is!

And the Satara tragedy. Plus a bad hair day. Blast, why aren't the vitamin pills working anymore?

To end on a note of forced cheefulness, had a beautiful gourmet boysenberry icrecream (a tiny one) for dessert. *sigh* there goes my resolve to eat healthy!


hari said...

Hi Laksh,

That seems to be a real hectic schedule. I would swoon if I have to go to office and also help things at home. That is why I put extra efforts to keep my wife 100% fit, so that I need not bother at the home front.

Regarding the NRIs, sorry to say Laksh but I have never seen a community which is more hypocritical and totally without any gratitude than them. To me they are identity less people, who feel it below their dignity to be called Indians and who will never be considered first grade citizens of the country they adopt or prefer to stay. In this particular situation, it is as if the NRIs are watching in silence when somebody is questioning their mother’s morality and abusing them.

Sorry, I have nothing against the true patriotic NRIs who still care a lot for their country and do their best to keep the Indian flag flying abroad and take pride in being called Indians. But the majority of them stink, the smell of which gets overwhelmed by the greatness of the few statesmen out there.

Shammi said...

Ewww.... slugs! GROSS! Why are they in your kitchen??? As in, why do they go there and nowhere else?

Re Parveen Babi - sad way to go. No friends, family or anybody else to care.

And what is a Mantoux test?

Houseowner said...


what's a boysenberry ice cream da?
btw, if the mantoux negative then cool. but i thought primary complex or tb are conditions you accquire in india. guess she got to take the antis cos the westerners are paranoid about these things.
shyam - a mantoux is to test sensitivity to tuberculin baccilus. they inject a small amount of dead tb baccilus under your skin and then you come back, say three days later for them to check if you have reacted to the b.

Houseowner said...

btw. that comment was by me...


Castor aka Kiwilax said...


I don't know about NRIs elsewhere, but here, they are a good and genuine lot.

Castor aka Kiwilax said...

Shyam & Rums,

Nandita had been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with TB, hence the need for the tests, drugs etc.

Boysenberry is a berry like blueberry that is available here da. You can try some when you come here, at some stage.