12 January 2005

Bridget Jones' diary

Have to admit I found the language shocking, both in the book and movie. I mean, do Britons use language like that every day? At work? Home? Hmm....

I did find that four-letter words were very prevalent even in Kiwi English (almost as common as Maori words), but I am used to that now after nearly six years here. But cannot believe that the prim and propah Brits use language like that.

Oh well, at least, the movie was presentable enough in other ways................

Gotta watch it, I am finding using this sort of language far too easy nowadays. Constant exposure, methinks. But still, when Nandita starts using words like 'munted moron', I know who is to blame.........I should stop before she progresses to higher levels.

1 comment:

Shammi said...

Hi da, I think the "prim and propah" Brits image has gone the way of their Empire... yes, they use a lot of profanity in everyday language. A LOT, let me tell you. Men and women both. It was quite embarrassing at first but now I'm used to it.