1 May 2008


Yesterday evening, I was belting along the motorway at 100k+, listening to an old tape that was playing in the car – ARR’s Vande Mataram (the original version). And suddenly, out of the blue, I was swept away by a wave of nostalgia and longing so strong, it brought tears to my eyes.

Was I homesick, now, more than eight years away from India? And if that was indeed homesickness, what was I pining for? Family, friends, food, faves? Or was I merely being nostalgic because I associated that Vande Mataram with happy childhood memories of All India Radio playing the same tune? Or was it just the effect of impending winter on an already-tired person? Or maybe it is just that the the tune of Vande Mataram is quite poignant?

I did some soul-searching but just couldn’t come up with any satisfactory answers. Whatever it was (and it lasted a few minutes), it was so unexpected. And it convinced me that you can take the Indian out of India, but you can’t take the India out of the Indian.

I don’t expect everyone and anyone who reads this to agree, but I do wonder: have any of you experienced a similar feeling brought on by some such incident/happening? And what was the explanation you were able to come up for this happening? Do share and enlighten me.


Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a feeling that I have had some times - especially when you hear Kalki's "Ponniyin Selvan" while being in America. That kindles early childhood thoughts of worry less sunday mornings when you get to read 'The Hindu' and after a bath and good food when you settle down with "Ponniyin Selvan" for the n th time. Same is the case while reading R.K.Narayanan's books now. Nostalgic moments..

Shammi said...

Homesick? Maybe, maybe not. I ALWAYS get all choked up when I hear Rafi singing any song from the movie "Baiju Bawra". Or watching (or even listening, actually) MSS sing Kurai Ondrum Illai, or her Meera bhajans, or almost any devotional music - go figure. I'm not devotional, I'm not homesick... so maybe it's just the beauty of the music. That's the best I can come up with.

Anonymous said...

Anon & Shyam: Glad to see I am not the only one. Kiwi