6 May 2008

The one-word tag

Another tag, but they’re mostly no-brainers, so here goes. Oh, I got this from Shyam’s blog.

The rules are:

1. After reading my answers, copy and paste the list into your blog.

2. Change my one-word responses with yours (but I have used two words, you’re not allowed to!).

3. Publish your blog post.

4. Send me a link on my comments box.

If you get something out of a vending machine, it's most likely to be: chocolate/chips;-)
A word you sometimes catch yourself misspelling: focused
You least want people to see you as: dumb
You're a little scared of: creepy-crawlies (that counts as one word, hopefully)
The least attractive thing you do in your sleep: Snore
The number of contacts in your cell phone: Heaps
How many of them are restaurants: None
You lose your cool when someone: shouts
When you go to the drugstore, you often can't leave without buying: something
Your dance moves can best be described as: graceless
The majority of your underwear is: ewwwwwwwww
Something you eat even though you hate how bad it is for you: sweets
You think you're really not a great: teacher
How much cash is in your wallet right now: $1
The majority of your shoes are this color: Black
You don't think you'll ever be able to get rid of your: accent
If your breath is bad, it's most likely because you had: garlic/milk
You feel embarrassed when you: stammer
The last public place where you used the restroom: railway station?
Something you don't like to debate in mixed company: religion
You don't think you can pull off wearing: evening dresses
Something you own entirely too much of:clothes
Someone you would love to see in concert who might bring down your street cred: Dunno
The last thing that you spilled on yourself: rasam
If you were on a reality show, the producers would likely portray/characterise you as the: nerd (yay, nerds are cool)


Shammi said...

Yaaru-ya Shayam?

However, glad you took on a tag all by yourself :)


Anonymous said...

Ok, OK, Shayam, I will change it to Shyam! Happy;-) L