10 February 2005

Shaky science and superstition

Things fall apart
The centre cannot hold.

That was Yates, if I remember my poetry correctly.

He was not talking about an earthquake-prone country called NZ. But it applies equally well to it.

A huge Page one article about the BIG ONE in Wgn and what its impact will be. Are you ready for three days by yourself, asks the sub-heading. Fires, communication, drinking water and electricity cuts, deaths, road blocks and injuries are all they want us to be ready for.

These things are sent to try us.

Periamma and Periappa went into a bit of a depression after reading and Periappa was all for us moving to Aussie, as it is at least a stable continent.

Ok, that's science and sense for you. But how about superstition?

We had sensational fireworks at the Wgn wharf recently, courtesy Beijing. Yes, Beijing. Beijing is a sister city to Wgn, and so to mark the beginning of the Chinese new year, we were treated to some fab fireworks, much better than the ones we have for Guy Fawkes Day.

However, the Year of the Rooster isn't going to be that bright! Expect, say Chinese soothsayers, epidemics, sex scandals and ******EARTHQUAKES! Not just the itsy-bitsy teensy-weensy ones. But the BIG ones. And they point to the evidence that most of the world's biggest ones of the past have happened during Rooster years, withe the biggest being over Richter 9.

Everyone's busting my eardrum telling me to have my quake emergency kit ready. But I keep putting it off. Maybe subconsciously (and stupidly) I feel that by not getting it ready, I am denying the possibility of a big one happening. Who knows?

These things are surely sent to try us.


Shammi said...

Yeats, perhaps? :) And another thing, yes it IS stupid not to have your "earthquake kit" not ready, what with all the warnings and everything. For god's sake, Gee!
Also, it's not in your subconscious any more, it's out on your blog for all to see - so GET PREPARED!

Your eardrum has officially been busted from halfway across the world.

Houseowner said...

yeah,laksh, yeats. william butler yeats and that bit is one of my favourite lines from his Second Coming:

turning and turning in the widening gyre
the falcon cannot hear the falconer;
things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

there is more, but i cannot remember, cept the last lines:

and what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
slouches towards bethlehem to be born?

i'm glad people are still quoting yeats, these days! :)


Houseowner said...

and i meant to say, very very STUPID not to have the kit ready. i mean like, when you are in a country when u can have a kit ready, why the hell not????